Saturday, September 5, 2009

Astrology and Sadhana

Vedanta Visarada, Shri Yaaga Vidya Praveena, Adhyatmika Ratna, Sahasradhika Yaaga Karta
Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji
Camp: Albany, New York, USA
Web, e mails,
4th September 2009
My dear friends and like minded persons

Reg: Sadhana/Practice and related matters

In these days, I have come across mails posted through different groups on ancient Indian Traditional Sadhana. I appreciate the interest of people in accepting and also showing interest on these ancient richest sciences of Indian origin. I appreciate many young people showing interest in ancient Indian Astrological Sciences, perhaps, one reason may be that they wish to know what future would be and how best they can make sure of their future and some such. I desire to share my views on these two topics, though both the topics look like different, they are inter- related.

Fundamentally, aimless sadhana does not take us any where. Let there be a goal for each of us, divided into long range plans and sub divided into small range plans. Almost all sadhanas allure us and catch our eyes with all eagerness to look into what it is and how best fast we can capture it or enjoy the divine subjects. This is surely a very dangerous situation. One should remember that Life is a boon and WE HAVE ALL BEEN GIVEN A LIMITED TIME as such we can not go on touching all types of sadhana and there , waste precious and valuable time. The subject is an ocean and one can not afford to bring the ocean to his home. There are hundreds and thousands of sadhanas and one has to pick and choose the one which is of utmost necessary. One way of choosing is basing on the Interest and the other way is identifying the problem related to each of the individual and to come out of it, is to select one sadhana and practice it to achieving success. One can not afford consuming all types of strength supplementary medicines of all kinds though they are meant basically to support the strength.

We have been in this field for over forty years and we also desire to have young people to catch these sciences and our interest is to carry them to the next generations and keep the sciences alive on-going basis. We go pick and choose basing on the interest of the person, his ability, his nature, his need and mainly his intention to help the society and we do not normally disclose the valuable information where we sense that the sadhak is trying to get the subject from us for his selfish needs or with a destructive intention.

These subjects are meant mainly for constructive purposes and a Sadhak should have balance of mind, not self centered, not with a any ulterior motive and only when we are convinced of the nature of the Sadhak, we normally pass on the clues of sadhana by virtue of which the sadhak remains successful in the easiest way. On most occasions, we face a very delicate situation where we have to deny the information or giving Deeksha when particularly we understand that the sadhak is not yet ready to shoulder the Deeksha. The testing procedures are quite different. Only a Master can understand about his student similarly only a Guru can understand how and in what manner a sadhak is ready to shoulder the powers of Deeksha.

Of course, we are in this material world, we really suffocate ourselves, neither can we disclose the facts which remain unpalatable to the sadhak, nor do we remain capable to gear up the sadhak for different reasons. Such delicate situations, we often come across these days. It is a true heart of a Guru as I experience myself in that position.

People are also after Astrology and are mesmerized by the innumerable ads which are eye catching and which assure that HEAVEN IS JUST A NEIGHBOUR AND NOT FAR OFF. These ads would only make us to waste our money and nothing else that does not mean that I deny the subject matter and conclude them as baseless. At this point of time, one has to remember that the principles of Management works always and when I reduce them into a small sentence, it is like “what to do, when to do and how to do” which means, the goal setting, the time setting, and the approach setting.

One should analyze his goal and should look into the situation practically instead of approaching the astrological sciences very casually.

The doors of these sciences are to be opened only when attempts repeatedly fail, no solution of what so ever nature is found even after human efforts, and all methods to fight out the problem are mostly tried and exhausted.

It must always be remembered that Astrological sciences are a wonderful boon to mankind; they help us solve our problems mostly. When I write this, I have to place my experiences too. When I was blessed with the boon of the knowledge of these sciences, my Master told me that the science is not FOR SALE, and at no point of time this can be sold, and the science should help the society and the less fortunate in times of need and not otherwise. I come across many people who are interested to know their future just like that and it is their fancy to do so. It has to be remembered that it is not a fancy subject.

An astrologer can easily create a psychic fear and plant a seed in the minds of people which can not be removed for any reason in the entire life of a person, when the astrologer identifies and tells that there would a serious problem in due course of time. The receiver of this message is straight down from that minute. It is the duty of an astrologer to put the words in such a manner that the receiver is not let down psychologically, but the message is passed in a quite palatable manner.

The astrological sciences can not be sold for a few thousands and it is such a sacred subject. Many a times, by virtue of the astrological readers capacity, the problems remains solved then and there and the capacity of UPASANA is such, every has to admit it. An astrologer always must be Society-friendly and should use his knowledge to help the people. It has to be remembered that the Astrological Science is brought to us by great sages who looked for the welfare of the society and well being of all of us. They never intend to make money or go for cheap gains out of the sacred science. Thus it remains to be the duty of every astrologer to upkeep and respect the intentions of Great Sages by maintaining purity always and at all times.

Sometimes gem stones are suggested; surely they are of great help. There is hundreds of such stones world wide which are of help to persons. An astrologer should be able to identify such a gem stone which would be a remedial measure to the receiver. I take abundant precaution and initially test the stone by myself and examine to what degree it would be helpful to the receiver. A true astrologer always agitates himself to know the outcome of his reading and his eagerness is beyond description and I can confidently write this as an astrologer.

How many of us turn back and tell our doctor that we are cured, in the similar fashion, an astrologer is not informed of the outcome in most cases. When the patient is alright by the medicine, he does not turn up and say to the doctor that he became alright like wise, a receiver does not tell the astrologer how and to what degree the reading was helpful to him. This feed back would surely help the astrologers to rethink themselves and plug up the holes if any, so that the subject is taken care enough with a second receiver. Sometimes the receivers of the reading repeatedly try many astrologers and ultimately land at no place. This is not proper; an astrologer is also a human being, it should be necessary to give him and his reading some time to take shape. One should not blame the science that none of the astrologers could give a solution, one should give some time for the astrological medicine to act upon and the remedial methods suggested are truly taken shape into.

Overnight results are not possible through any science and any subject. Lack of patience is another problem which makes public loose money and confidence on these subjects.

May Goddess grant all of us Proper vision and proper direction to set goals and strive to achieve them.
Yours affly

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mahalaya Paksham - Tarpana Vidhi

I have already mailed this and it appears that the paper is at some places corrupted as such once again I am reproducing the same paper

Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji
Camp: Albany New York, USA
Web e mail,
Cell Phone 518 368 7956
1st September 2009
My dear friends and likeminded persons
As per Hindu Traditional belief and as supported by several scientists of this subject, I am presenting this information for your reading and taking cognizance of it, if convinced.
The dark days of the month of Bhadrapada Maasa as per Chandramaan calendar and Aswiyuja Maasa as per the Barhaspatya Maan Calendar as followed by most of the North India based people, the fort night till the no moon day or the Amavasya is considered as most sacred in terms of praying the departed souls in the family tree for their peace and taking blessings for the prosperity of our children and grand children. Is it really so? This is being questioned even by many Hindus and gradually these are considered as baseless beliefs and people are giving them up. It is a most unfortunate state. Dr Robert gave a clear and nice presentation on this topic and his presentation is placed in my blog in the name of
Please refer to the pages where tarpana vidhi is updated. However, for quick reference I am once again presenting the topic for the information of all the readers, and I am only eager that none of us should skip this great opportunity. I am giving many alternatives and the readers can accept any one convenient to them, but I appeal to you all not to miss this opportunity.
A logical presentation is that – this has come from Vedic Order of life and Vedaas never – I repeat – NEVER – misdirect any one of us NOR the great Sages of India who worked on these sciences. May be, we may not get a convincing answer as to how a small offering on this Mother Earth reaches one who is no more in the physical form. It is also difficult to convince at this hour in spite of the fact that scientists like Dr Robert worked on this and give us a clear picture. Surely there is a day, where we all upkeep our eye brows and accept that the Great Sages are right and they gave us proper and right direction. Much before that, let us go by the aforementioned logic and accept the tradition in any manner that suits us as per our place of stay and as per our circumstances.
How this tarpana is to be done and what is the procedure.
1) We need to know the tidhi i.e. the day of the departed soul of the father or mother and on that day Pinda Pradana is to be done which needs the assistance of a Pundit or a Purohit.
2) I do not get a Pundit or a Purohit and what is to be done then? Please take some black sesame seeds and take the sequence as mentioned in the order below and start releasing the water three times between index finger and thumb of right hand and for easy flow of water the hand has to be bent to the right a little. Those who wear Yagnopaveet, the position of this are to be changed to the reverse direction which is called as Apasavyam.
3) I do not know the names of grandfather and the great grandfather or grandmother and great grandmother either mother side or father side, what should I do? In these cases, since names of the parents are known, please insert “Yagnappa” for male or “Yagnamma” for female and continue to do this and do not leave this just because the names are not known.
4) I do not know some of the names in the order, and then what should I do? You can leave water and a sesame seed by just remembering them and that is the only thing we can do. But before this please try from all sources and remember it is essential for us to update the family tree and it is THE GREATNESS OF INDIAN TRADITION.
5) I do not know the Gothra of some of the families and what should I do? I suggest you to say “Shri Mahaa Vishnu Gothra” or “Shri Mahadeva Gothra” in these areas.
6) I do not know whether they are alive or otherwise and what should I do? I suggest skipping this when it is not a certainty. This is to be remembered that THIS has to be given only for a departed soul in the family tree and not otherwise.
7) I do not get sesame seeds what should I do? Please try sincerely and explore all possibilities (this is to be remembered that the parents and grandparents strived very hard for our future and only on account of this we are in a position to reach this stage) and for any reason the sesame seeds are not available, please do not give up this but continue to do this procedure using at least water
8) I get only white sesame seeds what should I do? You can make use of them and get some item prepared in the home so that it can be offered in the names of the departed souls to near and dear. But the procedure has to be followed using water.
9) I do not feel like doing all this and I do not believe all this, what should I do? Please take some food items and clothing and offer them to the aged in any old age homes in the names of the departed souls and this is the least we can do on humanitarian grounds.
10) I do not have money to do anything what should I do? If you believe all this, offering of water does not cost anything, you can do this.
11) I do not have time for all this, what should I do? Please go out during day time, look at the Sun Lord and please remember all the departed souls of the family tree and pray for their peace. You can also offer some food items in the work spot to some of your colleagues in the names of the departed souls.
12) Is there any direction for all this? Yes, one should preferably sit facing south to do this when it is a must to face east while making a sankalpa and this is a basic rule for any sankalpa.
13) I do not wish to do any of the things what I should do? – Please forgive me; I have no answer for this.
14) What is the order in which tarpana or the panda pradana. Firstly - father, grandfather and great grandfather; secondly – mother, grandmother and great grandmother; thirdly – any step mother; fourth –mother side – mothers father, mothers grandfather, mothers great grandfather, then, mothers mother, mothers grandmother, mothers great grandmother; fifth – own wife; sixth – sons and unmarried daughters; seventh – brothers; eighth – fathers brothers; ninth – mothers brothers and his wife; tenth – own sisters; eleventh – grandson; twelfth – sisters son; thirteenth – fathers sisters; fourteenth – mothers sisters; fifteenth – own son-in-law; sixteenth – own brother in laws or wife’s brothers; seventeenth – daughter in law; eighteenth – father in law and mother in law; nineteenth – master and finally to whom so ever knowingly or unknowingly we are indebted – for them.
15) The last one – taking the yagnopaveeta at the knots and putting a drop of water on it and while squeezing, offer the drops to those in the family known and unknown, departed without having any sons or without any lineage.
16) I do not have Yagnopaveeta, what should I do? You can leave a spoon of water remembering all those in the family tree.

Learned people in the groups who may receive this mail may add their suggestions too. It may not be out of order here that we, the HINDUs with all rich tradition is trying to give up these rituals by some pretext or the other. While, it is a matter or real appreciation, in some countries and in some other religions, people give offerings duly observing “Fathers day” “Mothers Day”, “Grand Parents Day” and so on. Unfortunately, some among the Hindus are slipping from the procedures of either in Hindu System or in some system of some other religion. It is not fair.

Let us respect those who strived hard for us, let us consider this as a “thank giving” or the least of it, let us maintain the family tree and remember all those in our family at least by observing this so that we can pass on the similar information to our next generation.

Last, but not least, if we do not remember our family tree, how and in what manner our next generation prefers to remember all of us. For every action, there is a equal and opposite reaction.

Can we afford leaving the next generation without any knowledge of their family tree?
Let us consider these days as “Thanks Giving Days” at least.

Yours affly